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Protected: Online Counseling for Busy Professionals: A Flexible Solution
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Navigating DUI Evaluations
Substance Use Evaluation (DUI/DWI): What to Expect and How We Can Help If you’ve been charged with a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) offense, a substance use evaluation is likely one of the first steps you’ll be need to take. Whether you’ve just received the charge, have been directed by your attorney to undergo an evaluation before court, or need … Read More
General Information Update
Columbia Treatment Center provides evaluations and treatment for substance use disorders, mental health challenges, and anger management. We work closely with several family law attorneys, the Department of Social Services and others for our sobriety monitoring services. Eileen Dewey, the Clinical Director, is highly respected in the legal system because of her thorough reporting, qualifications and compassionate approach. She … Read More
The impact of parental alcohol and drug use on children and families
The impact of parental alcohol and other drug (AOD) use on children and families The profound impact of substance abuse on the lives of children is staggering. The prevalence and cooccurrence of parental AOD use and child maltreatment are of growing concern. AOD use as a factor in the removal of children from the home has increased from 19% … Read More
How Video Calls Have Improved Treatment
Telemedicine has been on the rise here in the U.S., according to this article and study in the International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications*. Tele-health offers new opportunities and reduces barriers for those seeking confidential care for substance use and mental health concerns. Treatment programs and counseling services are undergoing a digital evolution with video communication playing a vital role. This year, … Read More
How Treatment Can Help Expunge Your Record
Look Good in Court Achieve favorable results in court by participating in a treatment program that has been in the court systems in the DMV for 33 years. Help your attorney by helping yourself. Completion of our programs can help you in the following ways: Get unsupervised probation Expunge your record Obtain a PBJ (“probation before judgement”) Stay out of … Read More
Telemedicine and Teletherapy
As COVID-19 spreads, telemedicine and teletherapy has emerged as a dominant technology all over the world. Also called virtual care, eHealth, online therapy, and audio-conferencing, our clinicians have been providing these services to select clients for several years. We call our teletherapy services Maven Online, coming from the Hebrew name of one who understands, and we are committed to increasing … Read More
Opioid Dependence
Like me, you may be wondering why so many talented young adults are dying of heroin overdoses. Why are they getting ‘hooked’ on opiates? This epidemic is in our neighborhoods, in the news and sadly in our hearts. A growing number of young adults are using and becoming addicted to opiates, using either heroin or prescription medications such as Oxycodone, … Read More
Problem Gambling and Treatment
The growth of the gambling industry has spawned new research aimed at the effects of gambling on the brain. Gambling was historically viewed as an impulse disorder, but the DSM 5 has now categorized problem gambling as an addictive disorder. Recent studies in psychology, neuroscience and genetics suggest similarities between gambling addiction and drug/alcohol addiction. In other words, Tom’s brain … Read More