We are committed to supporting you through telehealth (online) therapy for groups, evaluations, and individuals during this difficult time. If you or a loved one need support, call our fantastic front desk team at 410-730-1333 to make an appointment (for now, all appointments are via tele-therapy). Servicios en Español
CTC is home to a team of highly trained and experienced mental health professionals.
While all of our counselors offer compassionate care, each has his or her own special areas of expertise and interest. Our trained staff will book you with the therapist that is best suited to your needs.
Featured New Programs:
Operation Impact — marijuana education program
Pain Management — support options)
Traffic & Court-Related
- Evaluations & Assessments
- 12 Hour DWI/DUI Education Program
- Weekend Program (Operation Breakthrough)
- 90-day, 26 & 48-week programs
- Expert witness testimony
- Adolescents, Young adults, and Adults
Laboratory & Sobriety-Monitoring
- On-site drug testing
- Drug testing (certified laboratory)
- Sober Link
- Breathalyzers
Family & Loved Ones
- Family and couples counseling
- Support/advice to loved ones
- Evaluations and sobriety monitoring in family law matters
Pain Management
Tele-Therapy / Online Counseling
- Go to Maven Online
SAP services for DOT Violations
- Sober coaching
- Inpatient and sober living referrals
- Linkage to 12-step community
- Relapse prevention
Anger Management
- Evaluations
- Groups
- Individual counseling
Special Services
- Operation Impact : Marijuana education program
- Services for Spanish speaking clients (Servicios en Español)
Get in Touch!
Stop by our office or give us a call at 410-730-1333 today to learn more.