Failed Drug Test From CBD Products

Girl with tincture
After ingesting CBD products you may have a failed drug test ahead.
Marijuana refers to certain types of cannabis plants or the dried material of those plants. These plants contain many chemical compounds, including THC and CBD, collectively called Cannabinoids.


CBD oil and hemp products can have a small amount of THC in them, resulting in a positive screen result. There are many anecdotal stories and scientific studies illustrating the presence of THC in CBD products. For example, in 2023, the Journal of American Medical Association tested 84 samples of CBD products and found that 49% of the samples tested contained THC.


*The labeling of many CBD products may be misleading because the products could contain higher levels of THC than what the product level states. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has no oversight to ensure that labels are accurate. If you have taken any of these products you could be at risk.
Columbia Treatment Center provides DWI/DUI evaluations, substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling, anger management services and more.
If you have a failed drug test and need help with the return-to-duty (RTD) process, please let us know if you would like further information on any of our programs.